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The very first thing that should have been written into the constitution of the United States of America is the total abolishment of money and any other arbitrary means of globally defining the value of an individual person or legally active entity. Period. Even if the attempt at such a society utterly failed we would have, at the very least, had even a fraction of a chance for change. Not having made that a priority for the American nation merely made Americans nothing more than younger version of every other country ever, doomed to repeat exactly the same story of greed and selfishness. We are nothing more than a people who were fed up with one king-of-the-hill only to go find another hill and make another stupid king. We simply traded religious dictatorship for wealthy dictatorship. You shouldn't need to be a genius to figure out that you can't have equality without actually being equal.
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Victim Shaming

    It's not victim shaming to ask: "Did you take the necessary precautions?" The fact that the victim was operating with reckless abandon doesn't change the level of atrocity done to the victim, but it sure as fuck changes my level of sympathy for the victim.     When a child runs toward a busy street the instinct of a parent is to scold the child because it doesn't understand the seriousness of its actions. Likewise when I see a woman walking around dressed in a way that provokes attention to herself in a sexual manner I want to call out to that woman and say: "Hey - small adult-child who was raised in a society that has sabotaged your sensibility as an intelligent human being - hey - you're in danger!"     I'm not saying that the woman shouldn't  be allowed to dress how she wants. Nor am I saying that she should  have to worry about men's reactions. However, saying that the solution to the problem is to tell men that they should  &q


Politics: A word that I use to make me feel better about the fact that I never learned to interact with the world as a child and instead continue to argue and bicker with everyone about everything because sharing my toys is unreasonable and you having a toy is an outrage so sharing a world is completely out of the question and the fact that my way of thinking isn't your way of thinking means that I need to do everything I can to make sure that, not only do I get my way, but you never get your way even though I profess to only be in the world and not of the world ignoring the fact that the system with which I believe will give me my way is a complete sham called voting which tricks intelligent people into thinking they have a say in anything about anything that would ever intrude into the profits of the elite few who simply pay to control the greater number of the thoughtless that vote for anything the TV tells them to which I, myself, enforce by mindlessly broadcasting the idea t